Thursday, August 21, 2008

Political Correctness? Not for Marc Anthony Gamberony

Remember in the movie, "MARS ATTACKS", the aliens vaporized the entire Congress, boy if they did that in 2008 the MARTIANS would not realize the favor they d be doing us.  Why not vaporize them; they are either on vacation, taking free trips, getting their familiy members lobbying jobs, bullshitting the bullshit absorbing media, pointing fingers, or more than anything else NOT DOING ONE FUCKING THING!!!!!!!

So Now Congress Has An Approval Rating of 8%!!!!!!!!!!!  I could pick a bunch of animals out of my barn and they could get an 8% approval rating......And they ain t all Lawyers.  Actually we should send vampire bats to Congress, they d suck our blood along with our dollars, and it d be quicker.  WE THE PEOPLE?????????  Sadly friends, NO. Them, it s only about Them, the elitists, who will always be warm, cool, well fed, comfortable, hanging with shallow, vain celebrities, and trying with all their might to tell us how to live our lives.  Marc isn t a LEMMING, so they can fuck off.



I am in Witness Protection but that doesn t mean I'm invisible; I feel like the choice between political candidates is like choosing between cholera or typhus.  The Congress seems to forget they work for us; I got an idea, let s fire all of them, physically throw all their special interest groups out of the city, and put people who care about OUR INTERESTS IN OFFICE.  And what s with the Supreme Court?  They are not meant to legislate, that s the job of the rotten Congress to be honest, so why are the judges revising the Constitution, and even worse, they all vote along idealogical lines, every vote seems to be 5-4.  You want those wizened trolls deciding your future?  If you look close, I think 2 of them are already dead.  And what s this Political Correctness shit?

It is, in reality, a way to halt dissent.  One side can say anything they wish, you know, free speech, but the other said can t say anything.  What is that?  Political Correctness began in the Soviet Union, then to Germany, and finally to our shores, it slithered in like waste through a sewer.  The day will come when I can t order a yellow American cheese sandwich on Italian bread with brown mustard.  Yellow, American, Italian and brown will offend someone, so I ll have to say cheese on bread.  A Western Omelet will be offensive; to order it, you ll have to ask for the Omelet with all the shit in it. 

It even affects team nicknames, at least it will soon

you can t say Colorado Avalanche cause that diminishes other climatic catastrophies like typhoons, monsoons, mudslides, earthquakes

you can t say Colorado Rockies cause that leaves out the Alps, Pyrennes, Andes

you can t say Denver Broncos cause that shows no respect for colts, mares, mustangs

Can t even say bald eagle, gotta say folically challenged eagle.

The great novel IVANHOE, now you gotta say, IVAN-HA. it s humiliating for that noble knight, people laughing at him.


all my best amigos, Marc Anthony Gamberony


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